
Where do I fit in the creativity?

Here's a different post from what I usually put on here, but I'm curious on what others do.
So I've been sitting here looking at many of your blogs and other fun crafty blogs and am wondering how everyone has time to make all these amazing projects. So when do you do your scrapbooking, papercrafting, decorating, and other fun projects? I feel all I do is wake up, survive 'til nap time, crash for an hour, take care of kiddos 'til bed time, work 'til about midnight, then to bed, and then the cycle repeats. Maybe I have to wait until the kids are in school. I'd love to hear from you on what you do or what you did to fit in your own creative time!

It's FREEBEE time!!! Aren't you excited?

Freebee for January! I asked what kind of design you would like this time. Answer: a flourish! You can never have too many flourishes, right? 

I'm trying out a new "File Sharing" site. We'll see if this is less complicated and more user friendly than Metafile. Let me know if you have problems. (Click on the picture below to download file!)

What's your favorite dinosaur?

So I've been a bit under the weather. Actually, my entire family (minus the baby and the 1.5 year old) came down with strep throat! Sheesh! I would be so happy if we could make it through one week without someone getting sick. Ugh! I almost went to the emergency room with how bad mine was, but the antibiotics finally started working and somehow I was able to avoid it, thankgoodness!

Before all that adventure, I had asked on facebook what dinos everyone likes in the intent of giving you a sneak peak. Well, the dino series is out so how about I'll just show you the whole thing along with two older ones to get your juices flowing.
This is one of my favorites that Silhouette didn't want. I'm trying to find out why they didn't want it so I can make it available for you.

Then there are dinos of coarse

Here are two designs I did awhile back that are still available in the store:

And a little scenery to finish your dino scene!

Of coarse, there aren't any dinos around today, so we gotta have fossils:

 Free shape coming. Check back soon!

What did you create witht the free shape?

With everything going on, I forgot I was going to feature a photo from one of you!
Here's an entry from Sarah Smith that was submitted on my facebook page.

Thanks for entering! I love your color choice! Such a bright happy card!

Thank you all

Thank you all for your kind words! It's been quite a week. I'm now back to designing and have a some borders and dinosaur designs coming this week. Also, a couple more fun 3D items!

I thought I'd also put a link to two of the books written by my grandma if you are interested.
The first one is a collection of fun poems called "The Right Knight and the Wrong Daze".
Second is a collection of vignettes for adults called "Help, There's a Tigress in the house!"