
What's your favorite dinosaur?

So I've been a bit under the weather. Actually, my entire family (minus the baby and the 1.5 year old) came down with strep throat! Sheesh! I would be so happy if we could make it through one week without someone getting sick. Ugh! I almost went to the emergency room with how bad mine was, but the antibiotics finally started working and somehow I was able to avoid it, thankgoodness!

Before all that adventure, I had asked on facebook what dinos everyone likes in the intent of giving you a sneak peak. Well, the dino series is out so how about I'll just show you the whole thing along with two older ones to get your juices flowing.
This is one of my favorites that Silhouette didn't want. I'm trying to find out why they didn't want it so I can make it available for you.

Then there are dinos of coarse

Here are two designs I did awhile back that are still available in the store:

And a little scenery to finish your dino scene!

Of coarse, there aren't any dinos around today, so we gotta have fossils:

 Free shape coming. Check back soon!


  1. So sorry you've been sick - you have my total sympathy! I had recurrent strep a couple of times, and it is sooooo not fun. Glad you're feeling better.
    Love all the dino stuff - I bought the two old ones and am getting ready to do a two page layout with them. I'm struggling a bit because my pix aren't very good (it was dark in the exhibit.) I'm counting on your diecuts to be the star!
    Are you going to switch over to Facebook totally? I don't "do" Facebook, so I won't be able to comment there, but apparently, I can still read your posts and see the sneak peeks.
    If you are looking for suggestions, though, I'll ask for the realistic animals and birds again - farm, zoo, exotic (would love a holstein cow, a panda, giraffe and flamingo.) Also, I need something for rock climbing. I'm going to use your mountain border, but the only rock climber in the store is a guy with thick ankles! I'd love to see a girl with a ponytail (so it's obvious it's a girl) - it could be a silhouetted shape or layered.
    Also - have you ever thought about doing people shapes with clothing? I would dearly love it if someone would make ethnic outfits. They would be so awesome on family heritage pages or travel pages, or for things like Irish dance. I'd love to see some basic Chinese clothing like a qipao, and 2 piece silk pjs. Oh, and while I'm on that subject - anything for Chinese New Year would be fabulous too! The mandarin characters for Xin Nian Kaui Le (Happy New Year) and Gong Xi Fa Cai (the traditional congratulations/prosperity greeting) - other things would be hong bao (the red envelopes) Chinese style firecrackers, dragon dance, lion dance, or year of the rabbit things.
    (well, you knew I'D ask for a million things ;-)
    Thanks again for all of your amazing work :-)

  2. Thanks so much for your suggestions. I'm not going to switch completely to facebook. I'm trying to keep them both about equal for all those not using facebook and all those who don't look at blogs. It is an easy way to keep all suggestions in one spot though. would you mind if I copied your comments onto a post on my facebook discussions page so I don't loose your suggestions?
    I hope your holidays went well!

  3. That would be fine - thanks!
    Yes, our holidays were fantastic, once we all got over our cold/sinus yuck = thanks for asking!
    Now that all the hubbub is over, though, I'm looking forward to getting back to my scrapping :-)
