
Where do I fit in the creativity?

Here's a different post from what I usually put on here, but I'm curious on what others do.
So I've been sitting here looking at many of your blogs and other fun crafty blogs and am wondering how everyone has time to make all these amazing projects. So when do you do your scrapbooking, papercrafting, decorating, and other fun projects? I feel all I do is wake up, survive 'til nap time, crash for an hour, take care of kiddos 'til bed time, work 'til about midnight, then to bed, and then the cycle repeats. Maybe I have to wait until the kids are in school. I'd love to hear from you on what you do or what you did to fit in your own creative time!


  1. My 5 year old does not give me much time to play with MY toys so my crafting is done after she goes to bed (hence the "Starlight" in my blog name!) She is only in school for a couple hours in the mornings so I try to get my chores done when the sun is up so I can play when it goes down. (hence the "Starlight" in my blog name, lol!)

    I have no idea how you can find any time or energy to play considering how full your hands are all day - yet you always amaze me with what you create for the Sil store!

    I am holding out for the day someone comes up with an app that adds 4 hours to each day!

  2. I do my own crafting when the kids are in bed, but it sounds like that is when you get your work done.

    I would suggest trying creative activities with your kids (maybe while baby is napping you could create with the older ones?. Even if it is just finger paint or play dough or something else simple. Try to worry more about the process and experience than the products that are created.

  3. Hi Kenzie! I'm going to second Tim's suggestion. I just did a "crop night" with my two (4 and 10) and they both had a blast. My 10 yo's been scrapping for a while, but the 4 yo took to it like a duck to water. Give that child scissors and glue and she's all over it. I have another friend who does the same. She keeps all of her scraps of paper, leftover stickers, stuff she's punched or diecut that she didn't use, along with glue, scissors and a few tools designated for her kids to use (a few punches and stamps) and lets them create while she's scrapping. The kids love it, and it keeps them busy while Mom works on her scrapbooks or other projects.

  4. Denise, I love how you came up with your name! It makes so much sense now. I'm with you on the app too!
    Tim, great ideas! I think you're blog may help me! Cut bottles you just made!
    Lauren, great suggestions as usual! Hadn't thought of my 4 year old (he's finally 4, I no longer have 4 kids under 4!) doing "scrappy" stuff, but he does love stickers. Oh, are the creative juices ever flowing. I love how I always get my best ideas when I should be sleeping!
    Denise, can I borrow your "starlight" name? :)

  5. All of you are amazing, I don't have kids at home and still cant find time to scrap and make cards.
    I still consider myself a collector because I have so much stuff and it all sits around and looks I am amazed at all the wonderful creations and wish I could do that, I guess it will come with time. but for me crafting is a challenge, it doesn't come natural
    And I'm very critical of myself but I'm getting over that.
    Thank you all for being an inspiration ;-)

  6. I have a 2 year old at home and I will often work while he is taking his nap in the afternoon (2pm-4pm ish). Or in the evening right after he goes to bed for a while. One of my goals each day is to take at least 30 minutes to make something.

    I also do projects with my son. I'll set him up at the dining room table with watercolors or something, and I will work on my computer while he gets messy.
