

Been working on this wildcat for awhile. I was having trouble making it look right, but I think it's turned out okay now.
New charms to come soon. There have been "family charms" requested. If you requested these, I'm wondering what your looking for. If you want stick figure family members, the text "brother, sister, etc.", or something else. Watch for ballet, beach and season charms soon.
New 3D design this week too! You'll be excited about this new one. It's a halloween one, but can also be used for autumn in general. (I have to wait for the hubby to get back in town to help me figure out how to make it work right.)
Also, Silhouette has released some new software so be sure to check out their blog for more info!


  1. Kenzie THANK YOU so much for the Wildcat! It's amazing! I can't wait to use it on my daugther's Soccer pages. This is perfect. :)

  2. Great! We love soccer in our house too, my husband is a soccer player. Let me know how it turns out.
