
New Hearthsewn Pattern available!

Hearthsewn Patterns has a new pattern available. I absolutely LOVE it! Check this out:

It's called Christmas Cactus Swirl. My inlaws live in Tucson, Arizona, so I would love to have it made for them! If you're interested in this quilt pattern by Jodi G. Warner, here's the link to her site: Enjoy!


  1. I love your designs and have several of them. I'd like to know if you could design the Ogden Temple for vinyl cutting. A Temple worker ask me if I could make small plaques for those who work at the Temple. They're having a good-bye party because the Temple will be closed and redesigned at the end of this year. They want to remember it as it was with a small memento. If this is possibe I will be so grateful. Thanks for reading and considering this request. Sandy Noyce

  2. Thanks for your request and comment. I'd love to do it for you. I'll have it in the store for you next week hopefully by Monday or Tuesday.
