
R is for Raspberries and S is for Scrumptious Strawberries!

Hello all! We we're back from our long weeks of travel through Utah and Idaho. Saw lots of friends and family and did a lot too. Still recovering from traveling for hours with four little kiddos, but soon, we hope to be back to normal.
My girlies from high school. Been a year or so since I saw them. So fun!

Also, was without my beloved Cameo, so since I've returned, it has been running like mad almost 24/7. The entire set of alphabet boxes are almost complete. You will see up through "T" in the store shortly. Followed by the rest of the alphabet next week! Yay!
When we returned from our long vacation, we found these yummies in the garden. As the title says, R is for Raspberries and S is for Strawberries!

If you haven't tried a Golden Raspberry before, find one! They are heavenly!

Here's a preview of the letters this week:

And a preview of one to come next week:


  1. Happy to hear you´re back and have worked out new Alphas.. and yeppppiiiieeee now there is my P into it.
    Hugs from germany (P.) hellerlittle

  2. Golden raspberries? Wow!! That picture looks good enough to eat!!
