
Another scare from Brooke.

Hello friends. It has been a hectic last week. The hubby's schedule was changed and work, and that means our schedule at home changes. Hopefully it's for the better.

I was sure glad he was home yesterday. We had another scare. I'm still reeling from it even though nothing actually happened. I was taking a call on the first floor of our home and for some reason, glanced upstairs. I screamed, dropped the phone, bolted up the stairs faster than I thought possible. My little Brookie, the one who fell 15 feet in February and had the most remarkable recovery after her brain injury, had climbed our banister and had her stomach on the railing leaning over.

I don't know exactly what transpired, because it really was all a blur, but I think my screaming startled her enough that she dropped back down to the landing instead of over the other side where she would have fallen at least 15 feet and been hospitalized at the least. When we left the hospital the first time, they said that her recovery was truly a miracle, but that a second head injury would be very hard to recover from. They also mentioned that traumatic brain injuries usually emphasize behavior. So if they are cautious before, they will be even more cautious. Or in Brookie's case, if they are daring before, they will be even more daring.

This girl has me totally stressed and wiped out. With 4 kids in 4 years, I can not be at her side at all times. We can not bubble wrap our kids, though we'd like too. Since her accident, we have found her climbing back up into her window sill. I refuse to open any of the windows on the second floor since the accident, but it still frightens me that perhaps she'll lean hard enough or hit the glass hard enough to break it. These are the awful thoughts that cross my mind when I see her window. For the first couple months after the accident, we made her wear her bike helmet everywhere. But you just can't live like that. I ripped apart inside with wanting to protect these precious kiddos in every aspect but knowing that they also have to be kids and have some fun. I am scared to death of losing one of them. Oh, precious baby, please realize what you're doing to mommy. My fibromyalgia is acting up tonight so I suppose I ought to get some rest. Thank you for letting me relieve some thoughts. Good night.


  1. Hello there, I hope you are all okay after this awful scare. I found your blog via silhouette and have a request...although it seems totally inappropriate to ask you 'here' but I couldn't find anywhere else to email you. I love your stick people and I am after more - is that something you can do? I love the figures you have, but I am really after them with eyes (literally just dots for the eyes nothing fancy!) If it's not then no worries, I'm very new to this, so I'm not sure what i'm allowed to request from you and how long thing's take if you are able to do them? Please could you let me know and then I can work out what i would like?!!Apologies if I've written this in the wrong place! Sarah. x

    1. Sarah not a problem you can write in requests anywhere! Sometime they take me a while I do get quite a few and I do them as feasibility and time permits.
      As for faces I've had a lot of requests. I'm working to make up a variety of faces so that you can mix and match the right face and body. I hope to have them soon.

  2. OHMYGOSH you must have panicked! That little princess of yours certainly does have the climbing instinct. Maybe you could sign her up for gymnastics as an outlet - you never know, she could be the next Gabby Douglas!

    Hang in there sweetie!
    Sending you calming (hugs) ;)

  3. Maybe you need a one-story house! I don't know how feasible that would be for your family, but you might think about it. Or a big foam pit below the banister. It's a good thing Brookie is so darn cute!

    1. I think you may be on to something with the foam pit!
