
Can you guess what the picture is?

Answer to yesterdays clue:

...and todays clue:

...any ideas? Answer tomorrow!
Also, here's a sneak peek of a design to go with yesterdays clue. You can't have a groom without a bride!

I created prom dresses from the same design by changing the colors:

Had to do blue, my old high school colors, Go BHS Miners! :)
More to come later. Enjoy!

Sneak Peek of design to come & New Year Confetti possibly on hold...

Sad news, there was a problem with the New Years Confetti and the design was rejected by Silhouette. If there is anyone waiting for it, I'll try to redo it, otherwise, maybe it will be for next year. If you're interested in the confetti, please leave a comment for me mentioning it!

I am in the process of a wedding group of designs. If there are any wedding related designs you are looking for, let me know that too! Here's a sneak peek of a piece of a design that is coming. Can you guess what it is?

Answer and another sneak peek clue to come tomorrow!

Well, I hope everyone had a good Christmas, Hannukah, or holiday season! We enjoyed Christmas morning at our house. Besides three kids with sniffling noses, it was great. Here's a fun little exerpt from our lives: My husband woke our soon to be 3 year old up on Christmas morning. This little guys is just like me, late to bed and late to rise. My hubby told Aiden that it was Christmas morning. I think the little guy just rolled back over and put a blanket over his head. Then my hubby told him Santa had been here. I heard a confused "What?!" from the bedroom. Seconds later, he was out of bed, looking down at the gifts. It has been great to have the magic of Christmas around again with the excitment of our little guys.
Have a great New Year! Enjoy!

New Years confetti

Here is the New Years confetti that will be coming out shortly. This would be great to dress up the table of your New Years party or to let the kids throw at midnight (if you're okay with the mess). I cut it out of the cardstock I had at the moment, but it would be great out of a metallic looking paper. Be sure to get the Christmas Confetti for your Christmas Party too! It's already in the store.

The New Years confetti comes with "Happy New Year", "2009", "2010", star, confetti shape, streamer, circle, noise maker, and two welded champagne glasses. That's 9 shapes! You could also ungroup the design & enlarge the shapes you wanted.
Also, I was going to put a picture of the pattern from Hearthsewn Patterns that I talked about earlier, so here it is:

If you are into quilting, these are beautiful patterns for wallhangings, stockings, lap quilts, etc. There are even a few premade items. For example: this gorgeous table runner for only $30 called "Rosebuds and Blossoms".
Visit for more info and to see the rest of Jodi Warner's patterns.

Now to more coming designs. this is what I've come up for Niagra Falls. I tried making it just one layer and I couldn't really tell that it was the falls.

 I've also designed some simple welded one piece tourist site titles. Here are a few of them.

Leave a comment of which tourist attractions you are looking for and I'll try to work them into the schedule as soon as I can!

New building designs to come!

I'm excited a few of you have visited!
Here are a few designs that will be coming out next week.

Did you notice the picture at the beginning of this post? It is the  left over "scrap" from a sheet of Christmas Confetti. I still haven't had a chance to make it into anything yet. I stay a bit busy with 3 kids under 3 years old, if you can imagine that. Also, if you're planning a New Years party, don't forget to purchase the New Years Confetti that will be out shortly!

Also, thank you Laura, for your suggestion. A note about when you submit a suggestion on the Silhouette Site. We are able to look at your suggestions that you request on Silhouette, but after there are so many, the old ones fall off the list. We can't get to every suggestion, so the older ones may be forgotten. The best thing to do is just keep requesting it till you get it. We are all trying to keep up the best we can, but we do appreciate your suggestions. One other thing, if there is a design that you would like in a certain style, by a certain designer, put that on there also if you have room. Some of us have emails or websites. You can also request things through those.
As Alsways, Enjoy!

Christmas confetti created by you! With your Silhouette!

And the sneak peek...I'm hoping everything works out and we're able to make this available quickly. It still has to be approved by's....CONFETTI! Each design comes with confetti shapes already arranged to fit on an 8.5 x 11 sheet. (This doesn't mean the shapes go all the way to edge, you still need room for the rollers and margin.) It gets even better. Once you have cut your shapes out, your "scap" can be used for backgrounds, accents, whatever your heart can dream. I had intended to design it just for the confetti. Once I cut mine, I was amazed with how beautiful the "scrap" was. I will be using this for my neighborhood gift tags or something like that. As soon as I have it finished I will post a picture. I would love to see what you are doing too! Email what you have done to and I'll post a few of them.
Anyway, here are the photos:

Christmas confetti in use. *If you like the stocking, you can check out Jodi G. Warner is the women behind Hearthsewn Patterns. She does some amazing things. She is pretty famous in the quilting world through the Utah area. Every year, she comes out with a new "Bear..." stocking. These are darling stockings that always have a pouch for a stuffed bear that she gives directions for. I'm not sure if the stocking in the photo is for sale as a pattern, but if you like this, you're sure to like the other things she sells. One you are sure to adore is "Christmas Wishes". Here's the link:  and look for "Christmas Wishes" HSN 185. It's a darling wall quilt with a gorgeous dove and the words "Merry Christmas. It may be too late to make it up for this year, but why not work on it for next!

Anyway, now that I've given you my little buzz on her, on to the next confetti picture:

I was halfway done pulling off the confetti, and thought you might want to see a little peak of how the template is set up. See that white space...won't that make a gorgeous lace? I'll post a picture of the actual "scrap" tomorrow, so stay tuned.

And here are what the individual shapes look like. Again, these are arranged in the template to just about cover your cutting space on an 8.5x11 sheet. That's a nice amount of cute confetti without much cost!

Alright, so don't forget to answer the previous questions, send me pics of what you've done, and...oh yeah, take the poll on the right!

Sneak Peek to come!

Just a heads up. I'll be posting a picture of a very useful, fun design tomorrow if things work out right. Be sure to check back to see what it is. You won't want to miss the sneak peek of what is to come just in time for Christmas and New Years!
Here's a preview of the dolphin that should be showing up soon, along with the dolphin frame. Let me know what you think of it and if there are accompaning items you would specifically like created. For example: phrases, other similar animals in this style, scenery, etc.
For those who have not seen the killer whale, I've included that too. It is available for purchase right now.

Also, make sure you leave a comment on the previous post of the tourist attractions you would like to see.
I hope you're enjoying the designs!

Design questions for Silhouette users

Now that I've established my blog, my first question is for anyone looking for Silhouette designs.

Question 1:
I'm trying to decide which tourist attractions to create next. I'll create them in the order that I receive the requests.

Which Tourist attractions/buildings would you like to see?

I noticed Niagra Falls on the Silhouette list, so that will be the next. Let me know what you are looking for! Also, if you're looking for something else similar to what I've done in other categories, let me know and I'll see when I can squeeze that in too!

Question 2:
If you've noticed, I have released the angel from my nativity as a print and cut.

Would you like my Nativity series as a print and cut?

Is this something you would be interested in? I don't want to over load you with nativity, but if you would like this option, I'll put it out there for you.

Origins of "3 under 3 and more"

Okay, we're going to try this blogging thing again. I tried it once before with our family photos. Didn't do so hot in keeping up with it. I've been wanting a way to communicate and ask opinions from those who purchase my Silhouette designs so I'm going to try to keep this up again.

Time to get started. Let me tell you a bit about me and what the Silhouette is if you don't know. I'm Kenzie Daley. If you're wondering about the title of my blog, right now, at this moment that I made this blog, I have 3 kiddos under 3. Insane! Things are rarely quiet around here. I have Aiden who is going to be 3 on Dec. 26th, Kale who is about 1 and a half, and my sweet angel Brookie who is almost 6 months. I have a theory why I got my girl, God knew I couldn't handle another Aiden and Kale at this moment! If you've seen my design of the "Baby's 1st Christmas Ornament", that's my little Brooklynn. Here it is if you haven't seen the silhouette store:
I have an awsome husband, Mike. He's a manager for the railroad as some of you may have read on my profile. As soon as he got a job with Union Pacific, that opened the door for train stuff galore. It was cute, when I was developing my train set, he was getting as excited as I was or more! Here's a few items from that series too:

I just came out with the crane and the foliage if you haven't seen those. Recently, I've also added a bridge, a pond, a house (which can also be used for a ticket office), and a station. So, back to the family. Being a manager, the company has moved us a couple times. We do a ton of traveling because of this! We've lived in Utah twice, Michigan, Californina twice. Our recent trips have been to see relatives in Boise, Lehi, Phoenix, Tucson, Las Vegas and St. George which covers Idaho, Utah, Nevada and Arizona. And this has all been within the last month and a half. Whew! I think I've finally recovered though.

So, now for the Silhouette. If you haven't heard of it, the easiest way to describe it is that it is one of the Provo Craft Crickut's rivals. I had thought of getting one of these craft cutters some day so I could make my own vinyl lettering with my typography background. I was at Costco in Sandy, UT one day and saw the Silhouette being demonstrated. What drew me to this is that I could "print" (or cut) directly from my graphics programs. Instead of having to buy cartridges, I could design whatever I wanted and "print" from there. Also, it has NO cartridges! I know Crickut is starting to do the online thing now, but Silhouette has been doing it the whole time, and Crickut wasn't doing it at the time. Anyways, so I went home and talked to Mike and purchased my very own Silouette.

So, a year later, through some luck, (Thanks Jennes!) I'm designing for Silhouette America and loving it. It has filled my creative void I've been missing! Ya, cheesy, but true.

So that's a little of the story of me and a little about the machine I design for. You'll see more about me and of what this machine can do. Seriously, it does a lot!