
Sneak Peek of design to come & New Year Confetti possibly on hold...

Sad news, there was a problem with the New Years Confetti and the design was rejected by Silhouette. If there is anyone waiting for it, I'll try to redo it, otherwise, maybe it will be for next year. If you're interested in the confetti, please leave a comment for me mentioning it!

I am in the process of a wedding group of designs. If there are any wedding related designs you are looking for, let me know that too! Here's a sneak peek of a piece of a design that is coming. Can you guess what it is?

Answer and another sneak peek clue to come tomorrow!

Well, I hope everyone had a good Christmas, Hannukah, or holiday season! We enjoyed Christmas morning at our house. Besides three kids with sniffling noses, it was great. Here's a fun little exerpt from our lives: My husband woke our soon to be 3 year old up on Christmas morning. This little guys is just like me, late to bed and late to rise. My hubby told Aiden that it was Christmas morning. I think the little guy just rolled back over and put a blanket over his head. Then my hubby told him Santa had been here. I heard a confused "What?!" from the bedroom. Seconds later, he was out of bed, looking down at the gifts. It has been great to have the magic of Christmas around again with the excitment of our little guys.
Have a great New Year! Enjoy!

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