
3D Letter "B" Tutorial

Welcome to another one of our tutorials!
Today we have Debb guiding you on how to put together the letter 3D letter B box file #29350

Identify the pieces. The narrower pieces create the top.
(Note: the wider pieces create the bottom.)

It will be helpful to curl the pieces before they are glued together.

Begin with the narrower pieces. There will be two shorter pieces that will create the inside of the letter B.

Fold at the scored lines and fold the tabs to the outside.

Glue in place.

Attach the tabs on the straight piece to the long side of the B.

Again, it is helpful to slightly curl the pieces before attaching the tabs.

Attach the two curved pieces of the B.

Attach the top and bottom corners and ease the inside point into place, gluing the tabs to the underside of the B.

Attach the contrasting panels, again curling slightly before gluing them on.

The bottom part of the letter is constructed in the same manner, but the pieces are in reverse. 

The completed Letter B.


  1. I just bought the letter J but cannot come up with how to put it together. Is there a tutorial for that?

    1. The wonderful Debb recently made up a tut on this. I haven't had time to post it yet. If you can send me your e-mail I will send it your way.
