
Too much!

Okay, not that I wish a brain injury on another family and not that I'm not grateful for how well my baby is doing, but I am not the person to handle well all that comes with it let alone normal life. I had no idea how much balancing and scheduling and being on top of everything you have to be to be mom. Just feeling a little overwhelmed tonight with all that needs to be done and how to fit it in each day.

Boy do I ever wish that we had more than 24 hours in a day! I'm sitting here, working on more 3D letters for the next couple weeks. Then I remember that I have another appointment tomorrow (or I guess now that it's past midnight for later today) for speech therapy for the 4 year old. I need to call back the special pediatrics and set up appointments for little Brookie, Another speech therapy appointment on Wednesday, oh, and forgot I need a babysitter for tomorrow. Then, there's scouts on Tuesday that forgot to gather stuff for. Tutorials for the 3D alphabets. My birthday was last week and I never did go out with the girls to celebrate, guess I'll have to skip that this year. Need to fit in finishing my grandfather's history before this week ends. The laundry is piling up. Dentist appointments need made, birthday party for the 2 and 4 year old. Ahhh!

Yes, this is how my mind has been going the last couple days. After a week with 4 sick kiddos and sick husband, I've been falling even farther behind. I would love to hear how you organize it all and get it done! Right now my mind is going so many more directions than this. It's pathetic! Does anyone else's life seem this out of control?! I'm scared of what is going to happen once we have sports and dance and homework to mix in with the rest of this. I need to figure this out now before it gets worse.

I so wish I could just hire a secretary some times to say okay, today you're doing this and this and you have this and this going on at this time. Just tell me what to do so my poor little brain can rest. I just want to spend time with my kiddos and hubby and not be completely exhausted when I'm with them. Okay, I feel a little better now. Back to work.

And I really would love to hear how you balance the busy lives of running a household!



  1. Dear Kenzie, you have 4 little ones! You are not pathetic, you are amazing! But, you may need to simplify or enlist some help. No one can do everything. But, for me, writing things down helps, and picking 2-3 "must do" tasks, and 1-2 more "hope to do" tasks for each day helps. I'll send you a facebook message with a link to an article that I recently read. Good luck! I wish you lived closer. :)

    1. Thanks Michelle! I got it. You are wonderful and thank you for the words of encouragement. Miss you guys lots and think about you often.

  2. God bless you fro all that you are doing. Please, you are not pathetic. You ARE a mom, and you ARE doing a wonderful job. It's the toughest job you'll even love (sorry to quote the Peace Corps, but I think it is really fitting for moms)!! I have 3 kids, 2 on the autism spectrum (among other special needs) which just makes the day to day that much more complex for moms like us. Sometimes, you have to just decide what is most important. Other stuff can wait. Just keep making time for your family, and once in a while (albeit a great while) time for you too. Sending you hugs!!

    1. Thank you so very much. I'm trying. I am in awe of what you, yourself must be able to handle. I am familiar with Autism and it is not an easy thing. Thank you again for your comment and hugs!
