This tutorial is for these Silhouette shapes:
Here's a quick tutorial for the doorhanging boxes. They all work the same way. Your design comes with what you see below plus an extra back piece. This is to give you the option to either create it big enough to loop over a round door handle or to use the slit to slide it around.
To start, it is best to crease all your shapes where the fold lines are as shown:
Taking the back shape (has the hole for the doorknob) I then use a double stick tape runner on the back of the tab. (if you need a stronger hold, you may want to use a hot glue gun)
Next, line up with the bottom of the box on the inside as shown below:
I put the cellophane on at this point if making the designs with a window. I tack down each corner with my double stick tape.
Then smooth the cellophane over.
After the cellophane is in place, I add my double stick tape to the front of each tab that is left. (a total of 4 tabs)
Next, I fold the front up and tack down each side to the bottom.
It should look something like the photo below now.
And now I tack the last two tabs to the back piece.
This last step is optional. If you'd like to hide those tabs or just want a contrasting color inside, I've provided a simple liner shape to do this.
*the basic box does not come with this insert. Only those with shaped windows come with the insert.
All I did was add a little double stick tape to hold it in place.
Next, slip it in diagonally works best.
Then push it down into place.
My box is now assembled. This is the point that you would fill it with goodies or a sweet note for the recipient.
To close, push middle of side in as you push the round center tab to it's hole. (works best if using two hands instead of one. I had to hold the camera with my other hand otherwise I'd be using two hands to close)
Push one side through the slit, and then the other. I then like to fold the round tab down just to anchor it closed a little more. You could even place a sticker over it on the back to really seal it closed.