

January was a crazy month here. What a way to start off 2011! I've been working on a fun blog post but, of coarse, my camera has died! I love that I no longer have to buy AA batteries, but sometimes, I wish I had the option. So, when my camera is recharged, I will finish! For now, Here's a sneak peak of what is in store for the next post.


  1. I don't know if you got the message from Silhouette...but could you do some wrestling titles like you did the football and golf? Loved those! Wrestling season is wrapping up in most areas, but it would still be great to have. Thanks! Love your work and btw...these are the longest days but the shortest years! Enjoy your little ones.

  2. I'll see what I can come up with. Could you help me out and let me know what some of the common wrestling phrases are? I'm not as familiar with the sport.
    Thank you also for your encouragment! I only wish I had more time to enjoy my little goobers. They sure keep me on my toes!

  3. Hi Kenzie, I just bought your design essence of luck border from the Silhouette store- is there any way I can make the flourish part in the design curve downward so i can put it around the oustide of a plate? so the plate has a border. Hope this makes sense :) Love your designs
