
My computer is up and running again, so here's a sneak peak of what's to come!

So if my computer hadn't crashed at the beginning of the week, you would have seen these A LOT sooner! There are a lot of fun things coming your way. If you like 3D it just gets better! Don't worry if you haven't quite caught the love of 3D designs, I have a variety of things up my sleave too. These cute little numbers are decorating our tree right now. Why spend tons on ornaments, when you can make them yourself! We've used plain cardstock on ours, but these would be beautiful in something a bit more fancy! With out further adu (think I spelled that wrong) what we've been working on all week, the ornaments:
Also, I have some new packs of faux stitching designs too. Yes, besides lying in bed sick, taking care of sick toddlers and complaining that my blasted computer keeps crashing (anyone else have that problem with HP computers?) I have actually been trying to get something accomplished. So, again, without further adu (mayber I better look up how to spell that.) here are the faux stitches coming your way:

There are 3 different sets of the faux flourishes that you can mix and match however you like. I prefer not to use the outline on the those but wanted to provide them for you incase you wanted them.

And how about some regular cuts. To go along with the faux flower above, I have a regular cut to match it plus another fun flourished flower. Some of you may be thinking "Flowers?! It's winter!" Well all we get is rain and things are green over here, plus don't flowers just make you feel warm when there's snow all around?

Be sure to get the free GSD in the previous post and submit your photos on facebook!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that victorian looking ornament design! I would have loved to make a dozen of those in pretty papers for my DD's dorm room - next year! Sorry to hear about your pc - ohgosh you must have been in a panic if these wonderful designs were held captive in the blue screen of death, yikes! Glad you are back up and running. :)
