
3D pumpkin assembly tutorial

Here are the pieces you will create for the 3D pumpkin.
To start, take "A" and "B". Slide A into the top slot of B like this:

Set  it aside.
Next, slide "C" into the bottom slot of "D" like this:

Now, take the first set of A&B and slide it into the top slot of C&D like this:

We're going to put the rings on now. (both rings are the same on the pumpkin)
Slightly bend your inner pumpkin (A,B,C,&D) to fit it in the center of the first ring and slide the ring down to the first slot:
Also align the inner pumpkin so that it's edges fit in slots directly across from each other:
Do the same thing for the bottom ring.

This next part is a little trickier. You're going to spread the inner pieces around the circle to the other slots.
Looking at the pumpkin from the end of it kind of like the picture above, move the top two inner pieces on the left 90 degrees to the right.
Then take the bottom two inner pieces on the right and move them 90 degrees to the left like the diagram below.
Now move one inner piece from each group of two clockwise to fill in the rest of the slots around the circle.

In the end, it should look something like this from the top:
You're done!
If you have any questions or get confused, leave a note on my facebook page and I'll help you out!
The bat and spider are similar assembly but if you get confused, let me know.
Good luck and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the morning suit! It's perfect!!! You rock!
    Okay, being the greedy little beggar that I am... I've asked for, and have seen lots of other requests for, more realistic, layered animals - zoo animals, farm animals, birds, etc. If you are looking for ideas and feel like working on some animals, I think any and all would be welcome by Silhouette users! There are so many "cute" and cartoon-style ones, but not many realistic ones. Your realistic stuff is the best there is, so I think you'd make some awesome ones. I specifically would like: panda bear, koala, polar bear, dairy cow, goat, chickadee, cardinal, but honestly, ANY at this point would be most welcome :-)
    Thanks again!!!
