
New DT member

Hi! This is Ruthie from My Hobby = My Art.  I´m so happy to be part of the DT for Snapdragon Snippets Designs! I have been crafting and blogging since almost 4 years. I started doing Layouts, then I learned card making and then 3D crafts, bags, boxes etc., but all paper related.

I never thought I could do crafts; I believed that I had no imagination to create anything at all I was so immerse in books studying and then after having a full time job I felt  the need to have a hobby. I think, somehow the artistic phase was inherit from my mom; she does all kinds of crafts, fabric, hook, sewing, card making, flowers and many more that I don't remember, but she was always crafting and doing it to earn an extra income. Now, I love doing crafts, love to try new techniques, new styles and since I bought the Silhouette Cameo I can´t stop using it! I have a full time job; a 14 months old girl, a 13 years old Stepson and a very supportive husband who helps a lot at home with the chores, without his help I would be able to do any crafting at all.  
 This is one of my favorite projects, you can find it at SVG attic.
Looking forward for you to like all the projects we will bring to you for your inspiration!



  1. Looking forward to seeing your creations!!

  2. Congratulations on making the SDS team! I am looking forward to seeing all you create!

  3. Hi Ruthie!! So happy you accepted to be part of this group!

  4. Amiga te lo mereces hermoso trabajo....

  5. Thank you ladies! I'm honored to be part of the DT!

  6. Preciosoooo me encanta es mágico y dulce...felicidades!!

  7. Hi Ruthie,

    I'm so excited to "meet" another member of the Snapdragon Snippets Design Team!!! Your carriage and the princess are just darling. I look forward to being on the team with you!

    Peace, Love and Joy,

  8. Felicitaciones Ruthie.
    Tu proyecto es un encanto, todo una fantasía.
    Mi niña quedo encantada la verlo.
