
3D Boat Box Assembly Tutorial

Just a few cut shapes can be quickly assembled 
into this fun pilgrim style boat. 
It makes a great place card 
for your Thanksgiving Dinner feast table setting!
The cut file is laid out with these cut pieces.
The boat box top pieces are the upper row.
Boat base, mast and sail pieces are on the bottom.

Step 1. Assemble the mast by folding inward on all the perforations. Overlap the straight edge over the tab and glue in place.
Step 2. Fold the boat deck on both perforations as "mountain" (back-to-back) folds. The space between the deck layers is should be maintained when glued to side pieces in order to hold the mast erect.
Step 3. Insert the mast through both holes so that the tabs are underneath. Fold tabs back and glue in place (see above image).

Here you can see how the deck assembly should look.

Step 4. Join the upper side to side/back hull. Fold on perforations (all "mountain" folds).
Step 5. Apply glue to the tabs on both deck levels.Wrap the sides of side assembly around, matching the perforations to the angles on the deck edge, back corners.   Position the top deck level so that it is perpendicular to the boat side being attached, and approx. a scant 1/8" below the lowest part of side cutouts. Apply pressure where you can reach inside, or on outside across hull until glue is secure. Try to ensure that the deck levels remain parallel with equal distance between (see end of step 2).

Step 6.  Overlap back straight upright edge over tab at opposite side piece edge, and glue in place.

Step 7. Place base shape face side down and fold tabs up along edges. Fold base side pieces at perforations as for hull pieces in step 4.

Step 8. Fold back up at perforation. Join base side pieces to back piece by overlapping back over each side at tab perforation.

Step 9. Fold back up. Join base tabs to lower edges of base sides. At center front, overlap straight edge over tab and glue in place.

Step 10. Fold upper and lower sections of sail back. Slide onto mast. Slide base into lower opening of boat upper assembly.