
3D manger tutorial

Silhouette has the wrong file for this box, so if you are in desperate need of this, please send me an email titled "3D Manger" to snapdragonsnippets(at)gmail(.dot)com and I will send you back the correct file.

*One note I meant to type out. The first photo shows that one "x" is shorter than the other. When laid out flat like in the second photo, the larger "x" connects to the middle piece. This is allows the shorter "x" to tuck up inside the other in later steps.


  1. Hello, I just purchased this file. Could you please tell me whether the box is correct. Otherwise I would appreciate if you could send it to me.
    thank you, I love your designs♥

  2. I am new to Silhouette and have made several of your card right out of the box...Your designs are AMAZING!

  3. Help! I bought this file from Silhouette but it makes no sense based on your tutorial. Please send me the correct file.

  4. I just purchsed this but absolutely no instructions and the picture shown on the silhouette store page looks different from the parts downloaded. How do you join the sides of the box = just fold and then glue the ends and join? Should there not be two pieces of the large X because the diagram shown by silhouette has only two which have a centre fold and no instructions to print a second one. Very disappointed as I thought this would be easy
