
Walk for Thought

We have been blessed more than we deserve, but I am so grateful for it. Two weeks ago, Brookie was able to come home from the hospital. This week, she was able to have her neck brace removed. To everyone else, she is completely recovered and back to where she was. To us, we can see the changes. But I can live with those changes. We're just glad to have our baby girl alive. Hopefully in 6 months to a year, she will have a complete recovery. Time will tell.
Thank you for your kind words. It was the scariest moment in my life. I hope none of you ever have to go through it, and I feel for those who have gone through it or something similar.
In two weeks, we will be walking in the "Walk for Thought" event put on the Brain Injury Association. We hope to raise $2,000 for this great group. We were blessed to have a positive outcome from Brookie's accident, but many are not that lucky. This group is a non-profit group that helps those not as fortunate as our family deal with their outcome. They have helped us to understand partly what Brooklynn is going through and how best to help her when she acts the way she does, and also what actions are most likely the result of her traumatic brain injury.
(This photo was taken at Disneyland the week before the accident.)

We would love to have your help in reaching our goal of $2,000. If you live in or near the Sacramento, California area, we'd love to have you join our team. Our team is "Brooklynn's Pink Piggies" for her favorite animal and color. Please join us Sunday, March 25th at the capitol if you are able and walk for this great cause. Just be sure to register soon. The entrance fees go up next week.
If you are not able to walk with us, we'd appreciate any donation you can afford. Every little bit helps! I also have a gift to send as a thank you for any donations of $5 or more. Just email me at modaley2(at)msn(dot)com (substituting (at) for "@" and (dot) for ".") after making a donation, and I will email a pack of cut files back to you!

To donate to Brookie's Pink Piggies for the Brain Injury Association of California, click here.

To join our team click here.

Please spread the word to anyone you think might be willing to help us out.  Thank you!

Now, for a group of designs that are waiting in Silhouette's queue. These and more should be added to the store some time this week! For those who have or know a firefighter. Or for those photos of your kids dressed up as these great people:

1 comment:

  1. Will your Fire truck SVG files be available anytime soon?
