
Last weekend we participated in the "Walk for Thought" here in Sacramento. Thank you for the support we received. We didn't make our goal, but we did collect $785 for the Brain Injury Association of California. Thank you for your help! Sweet Brookie did a good amount of walking. She did great. Her best buddy, her older brother, walked almost all 3 miles at 4 years old!

We are having a much better day today. It is so nice to have my hubby with me on the weekends. He is such a support through the struggles we're going through. I love having a teammate to help break the fights up between the 4 kiddos. A bonus too. I can finally work on some of the 3d designs I've been wanting to do for Silhouette. This weekend, I finally got my craft room cleaned up enough that I can set up my Silhouette Cameo. I've missed it. Can I say, I LOVE my Cameo.
So I told you I'm working on a few 3D options for Silhouette. Did you know that you can cut, practice and create with regular type paper? Rather than go through my lovely scrapbook paper, when I am making prototypes I go through stacks of type paper. If you are ever trying something new, I encourage you to cut from type paper first! In one of the future posts, I'll try to show you a photo of both my prototypes out of type paper and the real thing out of the nice paper.
Now, to go do some more crafting on this warm, rainy day!! (Cause that is what you're supposed to do on rainy days, right?!)

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