
My baby girl

Saturday around 5pm, my third baby, Brooke, (2.5 year old) fell from her bedroom window to the concrete below. She is better than she could be considering the circumstances, but please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She has a skull fracture and a very swollen head, a little blood on the brain. We won't know if there is any brain damage for awhile. She is responsive and in stable condition. Right now she is just in a lot of pain. If praying is in your faith, she could use all the support she could get.
Thank you alll,


  1. Oh Kenzie - my thoughts, prayers and love going out to your sweetie and your family. I can only imagine how scarry this is for you. Be strong and know we are all praying for you.

  2. I don't know how old this post is, but I do pray that your little one is okay. So sorry to heart this awful news.

  3. You're in my thoughts...praying for your little one.

  4. I will keep your little girl (and your family) in my prayers during this difficult time. God Bless You.

  5. Oh, poor Brooke! Keeping Brooke and you all in my prayers!

  6. OMG Prayers are being said for you all! Please let us know how she is doing! Hugs!

  7. How scary of you and your family. Thinking of you and sending prayers your way.

  8. HI,

    I just ordered a Silhouette and google searched to find blogs. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family! God is God all by himself, hold on to your faith and know that she will be just fine. BELIEVE IT!


  9. Oh Kenzie I am so sorry to hear this terrible news please know you are in our prayers for Your Precious Babygirl and your Entire Family...Hugs and GOD BLESS!!!
