
Adoption design ideas? Also, a preview of hearts.

I have so many designs I'd like to create for you. I'm thinking of doing a group of "adoption" designs if anyone is interested. I've been searching the design archives looking for adoption related designs, and there is nothing! If you are adopting or have adopted, leave your suggestions. I was adopted when I was a baby so I have a few ideas coming from the adoptee side, but not as much experience from the adoptive parent side.
As for what is coming this week, I have a collection of fun hearts to get your juices going for Valentines Day. Still a ways away, but hopefully this will give you plenty of time. They are coming in collections of 3 or 6. Here's one set:


  1. Hi Kenzie! You have been busy!!! I can't believe all the new designs you've been able to come up with in that busy time before Christmas - way to go!!! Me, I've been sick with the cold/sinus yuck that's been going around, so all of my plans for Christmas crafts came to naught.

    I love the idea of adoption designs :-) Both of my girls were adopted (from China) so I would definitely be interested. Unfortunately, I don't have any suggestions for you, but if I think of anything, I'll let you know.

  2. My husband adopted my daughter after we married 23 years ago. On the first anniversary of her adoption he said it was her "Adoption Day" which was the day she became his. He has been modifying cards and buying her a gift every year since. He also takes her to dinner (I get to go also, and now her husband joins us!)at the resturant of her choice every year. It is a wonderful tradition in our family and has streangthened their bond. I have made many scrapbook pages, but have never had any luck finding anything to put on them about adoption and how special it is.

  3. I adopted my daughter 6 years ago. Our family day is in just 5 days!! I searched high and low for 'adoption' related crafts/digital files 5 years ago and came up with very little to nothing. In the end I created much of what I needed on my own and produced her "life book" in a digital format, rather than paper. If I knew what direction you were looking to go I could give you lots of suggestions. I imagine my email is attached in some way for your viewing, feel free to contact me directly. :)

    Personally, I think looking at this from the adoptee side is spot on. All the pre-planning and feeling from the prospective parent is just a preface or footnote to the entire journey that is more about the child than the parent.
