
Update and sneak peak!

I should have gone to bed awhile ago, but I thought I'd update you on a few things. We were going to head to the beach tomorrow but the blasted minivan broke down. Bummer, I was really looking forward to it. Oh well, that means I'm able to stay up a bit more and work on designs for you guys!

So according to the poll, majority says it's not too early for Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas designs. We'll see what I can dig up then. I always thought Christmas was a no no this early but if you'd like to see some then we'll do some. I personally don't have time to even think about Thanksgiving yet. I guess I should be planning ahead, right? Someday. For now, it's live in the moment and enjoy each day as it goes by.

Speaking of which, my little girl is just over one month old! Wow! How did that happen? I thought I just got home from the hospital. I'm trying to think if I have a recent picture of her. Hmmm...I'll have to take one and post it later.

Anyways, back to Silhouette related stuff. I'm working on your requests of realistic animals, charms and more 3D designs. If you would like to see a sneak peak of 3 designs coming soon, check out my facebook page. (I'm trying to get more "likes" on my page, can you tell?) Hint, I'll be using them for my neighborhood gifts this year and as decoration at a few parties.

So to beach :-(  ; watch for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, animal, charm and 3D designs :-)  ;  little girl is one month old :-)   ;  And there's a SNEAK PEAK on the Daley Designs facebook page!

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