
A few requests fulfilled

I've been trying to fulfill some of your requests from here as well as those suggested on the silhouette site. For some reason I've been a bit scatter-brained lately (perhaps it's because I have 3 very acive toddlers under 4 and a newborn. Ahhhhhhh! I feel better now. ), so if I've overlooked your request or suggestion, don't be offended, just remind me again. The grandparents are flying in from Tucson, AZ today so I may not get to them right away (I love when the in-laws visit! I really do! My husband has the coolest parents!) , but I'll get to them as soon as I am able.
So, here are few of my most recent designs. Be sure to check them out today. IT'S THE LAST DAY of Silhouette's sale!

Enjoy! (New poll on the right side! )


  1. Hi Kenzie! I don't know if you saw my comment under the pumpkin tutorial, but I wanted to make sure you heard my big THANK YOU for the morning suit!!! It's perfect, as is everything else you design :-)

  2. I'm glad the design worked for you. Sometimes I don't see the comments, so thanks for posting again. I'd love to see what you do with the design if you are able!

  3. I'm having a lot of trouble with the tux. No matter what I do, I cant seem to get it to look like the picture. any hints?

  4. Just can't the coloring right. The picture is exactly how I would like it to look but just don't seem to be able to do as good a job,especially were the crease on the pant is

    1. I trick is having the right papers to pull it off. The images you see are digital and the translation to paper sometimes makes it look better and sometimes not as much. The other option to look at is inking the edge or gel pens etc. THat might help the crease stick out.
