
Finished the birth announcement! And some new designs.

I finally finished my little girls birth announcement and just thought I'd share it with you along with some of the recently released designs for the silhouette.

New designs:



  1. Oh Kenzie - she's just adorable!!! And what a tiny little peanut - how precious!!
    Love the new designs, especially the scalloped frames - I'm sure I will use them a lot! Didn't see them yet in the store, but maybe I just missed them.
    I am amazed at everything you've been able to get done! Could you put some of your energy into a bottle and sell it?

  2. you have been busy!!

    Congrats on your new sweetie - she's BEAUTIFUL!!

    And I absolutely LOVE that lace frame you designed.

    Now go get some rest! :)

  3. Thanks so much! I am enjoying her so much. Peanut is what I like to call her! She's just so sweet and small. You'd think with how close my kiddos are that I'd remember how much joy new babies bring, but I'd already forgotten.
    As for the lace frame, it was rejected by Silhouette. I'm working on modifying it so they'll sell it. We'll see how it turns out! I'll let you guys know when it's available.
    Oh, and as for the energy, I'm no longer pregnant and can touch my toes! The thought that I can now do that and bend over makes me excited to actually get stuff done! :) Though, getting rest doesn't hurt either. :)
