
And the surprise...Stitch some homemade feeling into your next card or layout!

So I guess the secret is out! Silhouette has already made available the new stitching templates. For those of you who haven't seen it, here is the test piece I did when I was designing them.

Your Silhouette machine or craft cutter "punches" holes (cuts circles) for you to then stitch thread, yarn or floss through. This makes adding a touch of homemade to any card or layout easy! No more punching paper, it's all done for you.
I used a yarn darner when testing this out because that's all I could find in my sewing box. It worked okay but would better with a smaller needle. Hopefully I'll have some more examples and actual demos to show you soon. Also, send me pics of things you do with these templates and I'll feature them here! Just send them to I'll also go set up a facebook page for you to add them to if that is easier. Hope you enjoy these! Many more designs to come soon!
Here is what you are looking for in the store if you would like to purchase it:



  1. I just purchased these and they look super! I like stitching on a page more than drawing stitches on a page! This will make life easier for me! Thanks for the great idea! I will be following your blog to see what else I can learn as I love my sil and use it constantly!

  2. Let me know how it goes with these templates, I'd love your input if I need to improve them in some way! Glad I can make life a little easier for you and to have you visit my blog!
