
What direction to go next. Hmmm...

I'm trying to decide what items to put out there next for all of you. I've noticed I've kind of pulled away from the style I used to do of simple single or double layered shapes. I'm wondering what your opinion is or what you would like to see in the store.
Are you looking for layered designs, or one piece items?
Do you prefer complexity or simplicity?
Are borders what you're into now or objects?
If objects, what types? If borders, what types and sizes (wide, narrow, etc.)?
Would you like more flourishes, or are you all flourished out?

Leave your comments and we'll see where we end up. Thanks for your feedback and I'll try to take all comments into account!


  1. What I really like, is something that has to do with marching bands. People who are palying instruments, only instruments and clothing. Hope you can make it, and I have to say that you make beautiful things

  2. I would love to see some realistic Fish like
    Bass, trout, stealhead, salmon, blue gill, crappie, and lures, rubber bait like worms crawdad, frogs, some Jigs and spinner bait. And some hooks, bobbers, weights. And how about a dungeness crab,sea horse, old style fishing net, star fish, old glass balls, sea shells, light house, buoy. And anything els like that you can think of. I know you did a dolphin and a killer wail and they are great so I think you would make some other great fresh water and salt water fish and items.
    Love your work you are a great artist ;-)
    Have a great day!

  3. Those are great suggestions! I'll get right on it. Thanks again!

  4. Hi Kenzie! Congratualtions on the new pregnancy! Love your designs, but hoping your castles will be finished soon. Have been waiting for them with much anticipation, since you said you were working on them. Hope to see them on the Sil website soon!

  5. Hi Kenzie! Just saw your blog after looking through all your fabulous designs in the Silhouette online store. I really love your recent designs with multiple layers. It seems like so much of what is being loaded in the store lately from other designers is more comic style, simple designs. I love the realistic, multi-layer designs. Your landmark designs, e.g. Egypt, Australia are spectacular. I'd love to see more of those, particularly for England and China, and also for the U.S., like Washington D.C.
    I also love your marching band and cheer sets - the detail is just amazing! I keep asking for equestrian designs, with no luck yet! I'd love to see some English riding tack, jumps, ribbons, etc.
    Congrats on baby #4!!! How exciting :-)

  6. Thanks again for the suggestions. I'm slowly working on them. Thank you for your patience with me too! I'm doing a few of Angela's suggestions, I've done a few marching band items, then it'll be a few equestrian items and english items, I'll then go back and try to add to your topics if I can.
    If you have something else specific you're looking for, let me know and I'll try to work that in as well. Thanks for the congrats too. Life is sure going to be crazy! :)

  7. Love the trout great job once again.

  8. I Kenzie I was just looking at your new images on the silhouette web page and the Bass looks like a stealhead, I'm sure its a case of mistaken
    And once again they are a great rendition of the real thing.
    Have a great day

  9. Wow! Just saw the fish - incredible! What great designs!!! I can't wait to see what you do with the equestrian theme!

  10. Thanks Kenzie for the lovely designs of marchingband figures. I love them and the kids, they are playing in a marching band, love them to.
